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Dios me dio la oportunidad y el privilegio de participar del ministerio Let The Kids Come to Christ desde el año 2012 sin la conciencia o el conocimiento de que Dios iba a tratar a moldear mi vida a travez de este ministerio de una manera especial y diferente. Desde que participe en la primera actividad la manera de ver y apreciar las cosas cambio, porque desde esa hora en adelante tome conciencia de que lo que yo no aprecio para otros es lo maximo. Cuando comenze no supe apreciar que tan grande es este ministerio, quizas por la edad o porque no sabia lo que iba a ver, desde de la primera actividad considere de que no hay alguien tan agradecida de Dios como yo lo estaba por haberme dejado participar. Y cada dia el agradecimiento era mayor para Dios y para la presidenta y lider que Dios uso para bendecir a otros y sin darse cuenta bendecir mi vida y darme una importante leccion.

God gave me the opportunity and privilege of participating in the ministry Let The Kids Come to Christ since 2012 without the awareness or knowledge that God was going to try to mold my life through this ministry in a special and different way. Since I participate in the first activity the way of seeing and appreciating things change, because from that hour onwards I become aware that what I do not appreciate for others is the maximum. When I started I did not know how big this ministry is, maybe because of age or because I did not know what I was going to see, since the first activity considered that there is no one as grateful to God as I was for letting me participate. And every day the gratitude was greater for God and for the president and leader that God used to bless others and inadvertently bless my life and give me an important lesson.

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